Did you know there are around 210 known breeds of goats roaming around the world?!

Archaeologist believe goats were one of the first animals that humans domesticated with evidence of goat herding dating back at least 9000 years. It is estimated that a staggering 450 million goats are grazing, playing, growing and breeding all over the world today! Holy cow, that’s a lot of goats!

Throughout the years, we have dabbled in many other breeds such as Sonnens, Toggenburgs, and Nigerian Dwarfs to name a few, but Fainters have always been the family favorite. Currently, they are the only breed that we raise. We love them for many reasons including their sweet and docile temperament, their disinterest in climbing on or under fences, their unique and wide range of color and marking possibilities, and of course, their wonderfully odd ability to faint!

Introducing our herd sire…BUZZ

Officially registered as BDF Money Honey, but lovingly called “Buzz” by our family. We brought Buzz into our herd a little over 2 years ago, and since the day we brought him home, he has been an amazing addition to Kids on the Ridge. With a great lineage, an awesome build and a gentle demeanor, we were blessed with one of the friendliest, best producing bucks we’ve ever owned. During the day, you will find Buzz keeping a watchful eye over his herd, or lazing about with a calm patience while the newborn kids jump on and off of him. Buzz loves to be petted, he loves attention, and when treats come out he gently eats from your hand. And then there is kidding season, when we anxiously await to see what unique colors and markings he will pass down to the next generation!

And now…the lovely ladies

We proudly register our mamas with the Myotonic Goat Registry. We are happy to walk you through the process and provide you with the necessary forms if you purchase goats from us.

Head on over to our Sale Barn and buy a baby goat!